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About Us
About Us





: Lin Wei Jie




: Chew Varn Tet


English Translator


: Samuel Seow




: Ruth Chew





About Us

“Who has believed our message?”

It is now time for God to reveal His complete word, all truths that have been hidden in the past shall be revealed to the world. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” This ‘gospel of the kingdom’ refers not only to the saving gospel of Christ, it also encompasses all of God’s truth in the bible, for they shall be preached throughout the whole world, to all nations, and then the end will come. On that Day, no one can give any excuses for not turning to God, to feign ignorance or to deny knowing the truth. The Day of the Lord is imminent, for He is already at the door! All who have not come to receive the Lord, ought to do so now before it is too late! Believers who are lukewarm, ought to rekindle their love for Him now before He returns!

It was by God’s leading, that the writer was given a period of five years to complete an in-depth study of the bible, and during this period, he received many precious teachings and instructions from the Lord. In the next twenty years of his life, the Lord allowed him to go through great trials and testings. That through the sufferings he had experienced, he may understand and appreciate the truths that have been revealed to him. Subsequently, through God’s providence the writer together with a few fellow brothers in the Lord came together and established this website. 

We are filled with great excitement and anticipation. With such extraordinary revelations of God, what kind of response could be expected in these end times? Would we expect a great revival or just a few appreciative individuals? Let us wait upon the Lord and witness His mighty work! 

About Us